New Release! Pieces in Chance (Chance #1)

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It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! This novel is so special to me, with so many emotions attached to it. It delves into Drew’s world, a quiet world, one that most couldn’t understand. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!




Drew Townsend has lived anything but a charmed life. When her mother died  from cancer, her father snapped, using her as his own personal punching  bag. After taking one too many beatings, she took things into her own hands.  Determined to escape the nightmare she was living, a desperate Drew does  the only thing she can think of to end it all.

Jensen Marks, a former Marine and now police officer in the small town of  Chance, had seen a lot of things in his years – war, beatings, crying children –  yet none of it kept him up at night. So once he met Drew, he’s perplexed by  the way she got under his skin. After years of everyone turning their back on  what was going on, Jensen takes it upon himself to see a change in her.

Can Jensen help Drew pick up the missing pieces of herself or will he push  her into losing yet another piece in Chance?

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